Wednesday 10 March 2021

Welcome to SWL 2021

Welcome to 7&8 SWL for 2021! 


  1. hey i know that show its my hero academia i love that show

  2. Hey SWL,
    I really like how you introduced yourself, I have seen netflix,phones,sports and food which are things I like to

    Good Job

  3. hi SWL,

    It's really cool how you introduced your class using slides. I like how each one is different. good job

  4. Hi SWL,
    I really like how each slide is different and has images to represent who you are and what you like. I think its cool.

  5. Hi SWL!

    i love this slide and seeing all the things your students put on their sides.
    it was well put together and i liked seeing all the colours and bright images.

  6. WOW It was so cool to see some stuff that everyone likes

  7. I like the things that you guys put on the it was cool cause some people like the same thing but some people like different things

  8. hey SWL, awesome slide. really awesome to see what the class has put on what they like. keep up the good work

  9. hi SWL

    I like to see what other people do and don't like. it was really cool to look through the slide
