Friday 12 June 2020

Planting Kōwhai seeds - by Lakaia

Today we planted Kowhai seeds here are the steps.
First, we got our cups and spoons/soil tablets and 50mls of water. We poured the water over the soil tablet and waited for the soil to absorb the water.
Once it had absorbed the water we took the coating off the soil and mixed it together.
Then we used sandpaper and lightly scraped the seed about 6-7 times. Once that was done we got a peat pot to plant our seed in.
We used most of the soil then made a hole in the middle to place the seed in, then we covered it with the remaining soil.
Then we placed the peat pot into a clear plastic cup and placed our names on the cup.

ing soil.
Then we placed the peat pot into a clear plastic cup and placed our names on the cup.

JPEG Image
First step
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Second step
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Third step
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Fourth Step